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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Mannish \Man"nish\, a. [Man + -ish: cf. AS. mennisc, menisc.]

  1. Resembling a human being in form or nature; human.

    But yet it was a figure Most like to mannish creature.

  2. Resembling, suitable to, or characteristic of, a man, manlike, masculine.

    A woman impudent and mannish grown.

  3. Fond of men; -- said of a woman. [Obs.]
    --Chaucer. [1913 Webster] -- Man"nish*ly,adv. -- Man"nish*ness, n.


adv. In a mannish manner.

Usage examples of "mannishly".

Briar saw she had already been to the Earth temple baths: her chestnut hair, worn mannishly short, was dark against her skull, the strict part white against her wet hair.

Her eyes were puffy from weeping, and the mannishly tailored suit she wore bagged at the hips from recent weight loss.

Her mannishly short hair had been dyed blue, not because she cared for meaningless fads but rather so she would not be thought unaware.