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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Manipulate \Ma*nip"u*late\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Manipulated; p. pr. & vb. n. Manipulating.] [LL. manipulatus, p. p. of manipulare to lead by the hand, fr. L. manipulus. See Maniple.]

  1. To treat, work, or operate with the hands, especially when knowledge and dexterity are required; to manage in hand work; to handle; as, to manipulate scientific apparatus.

  2. To control the action of, by management; as, to manipulate a convention of delegates; also, to manage artfully or fraudulently; as, to manipulate accounts, or election returns; to manipulate the stock market.


vb. (present participle of manipulate English)

Usage examples of "manipulating".

After 24 hours, Theoda alternated the two patterns, and included basic muscular therapy on the lax body, patiently, patiently manipulating the limbs in the various attitudes and postures, down to the young toes and fingers.

She hadn't been briefed on what to do with a passenger who started manipulating the Net as if it were part of his personal comsystem.

Will you ask Plenna to try manipulating something, preferably not dangerous or breakable?

Yet she was manipulating them in some way, using some method that was non-electrical and non-sonic.

Brace intensified it, imagining as he'd been taught, that the emotion was something visible which he was manipulating tangibly, as visible and tangible as water falling over a specific area, drenching everything with its cascade.

Kitti Ping had been manipulating gene patterns again, a complicated process that Bay found as daunting as Wind Blossom did, despite Kitti Ping’s encouragements.

Not big enough and don’t seem to go anywhere,” Ni Morgana said, deftly manipulating her attitude and forward jets.

Jaxom hated the necessity of manipulating his best friends, but it was essential if he was to bring off Aivas's plan.

He chooses to believe that she is proving what a fool she truly is by taking up with a manipulating kestra'chern, and if that makes him happy and causes him to leave her alone, then he can spread all the gossip he wants so far as we are concerned.

He has succeeded in manipulating the people who came to him as clients so thoroughly that it has been over a year from the time he began before one was courageous enough to report him to me.

He really didn't like manipulating anyone, if it came right down to it.

Whilst his mother lived, he used even her for his own gain, manipulating her against her worthier offspring.

But she wasn't at all comfortable with the idea of manipulating anyone for any reason, no matter how pure the motive and how praiseworthy the outcome.

That's the essence of the Aneristic Delusion: to imagine you have found Order and then to start manipulating the quirky, eccentric chaotic things that really exist into some kind of platoons or phalanxes that correspond to your concept of the Order they're supposed to manifest.

The physicist, by manipulating these fantastic electrons—which, I remind you, have to be imagined as moving from one place to another without passing through any intervening space like a fairy or a ghost—produces real phenomena, visible to the senses.