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a. 1 Suitable for, or able to be subjected to manipulation. 2 gullible or susceptible to persuasion.

Usage examples of "manipulatable".

The idea that an ally was manipulatable warranted its usefulness in the achievement of pragmatic goals, and the manipulatory techniques were the procedures that supposedly rendered the ally usable.

Electronic evidence was notoriously manipulatable -inadmissible in honest courts.

That they were manipulatable at all was a tribute to a few small dedicated families who had settled on their home world and made quite a nice business out of training and exporting the animals.

He quickly moved to check a number of formerly frozen controls, found them easily manipulatable and responsive.

What to him were manipulatable facts were for me imaginative fictions.

They saw Solo as a non-stoppable, expendable weapon, manipulatable and malleable as any normal computer.