The Collaborative International Dictionary
manie \ma`nie"\, n. [F. See Mania.]
Mania; insanity. [Obs.]
Manie is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Międzyrzec Podlaski, within Biała Podlaska County, Lublin Voivodeship, in eastern Poland. It lies approximately north of Międzyrzec Podlaski, west of Biała Podlaska, and north of the regional capital Lublin.
Usage examples of "manie".
For the great Priest which bare the restoration of my human shape, by the commandement of the goddes, Approached more and more, bearing in his left hand the timbrill, and in the other a garland of Roses to give me, to the end I might be delivered from cruel fortune, which was alwaies mine enemie, after the sufferance of so much calamitie and paine, and after the endurance of so manie perilles: Then I not returning hastilie, by reason of sodaine joye, lest I should disturbe the quiet procession with mine importunitie, but going softly through the prease of the people, which gave me place on every side, went after the Priest.
Manie of them hauing their torches burning, others pastophorall, some with ancient spoiles vppon the endes of streight staues, and others with diuers sorts of Trophes vpon launces, curiouslie hanging, caried before the mystical triumphs, with shouting resounds aboue in the aire.
For the great Priest which bare the restoration of my human shape, by the commandement of the goddes, Approached more and more, bearing in his left hand the timbrill, and in the other a garland of Roses to give me, to the end I might be delivered from cruel fortune, which was alwaies mine enemie, after the sufferance of so much calamitie and paine, and after the endurance of so manie perilles: Then I not returning hastilie, by reason of sodaine joye, lest I should disturbe the quiet procession with mine importunitie, but going softly through the prease of the people, which gave me place on every side, went after the Priest.
Having pierced the line the Boers, who were led in their fiery rush by Manie Botha, turned to their flank, and, charging down the line of weak patrols, overwhelmed one after another and threatened to roll up the whole line.
Which who so list looke backe to former ages,And call to count the things that then were donne,Shall find, that all the workes of those wise sages,And braue exploits which great Heroes wonne,In loue were either ended or begunne:Witnesse the father of Philosophie,Which to his Critias, shaded oft from sunne,Of loue full manie lessons did apply,The which these Stoicke censours cannot well deny.
In another part he says, [8] "ces chevaux (sauvages) ont la manie de preferer les chemins, et le bord des routes pour deposer leurs excremens, dont on trouve des monceaux dans ces endroits.
Manie asked wistfully, and Hendrick hesitated on the brink of empty promise.
You cannot have looked into Kobus's eyes without knowing Both your sons have your yellow eyes, Manie, Lothar and Kobus both of them.