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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Manichaeism \Man"i*ch[ae]*ism\, Manicheism \Man"i*che*ism\, n. The doctrines taught, or system of principles maintained, by the Manich[ae]ans.

Usage examples of "manicheism".

We ask whether it is this evangelical meekness which has excited your interminable wars between your sects, your atrocious persecutions of pretended heretics, your crusades against Arianism, Manicheism, Protestantism, without speaking of your crusades against us, and of those sacrilegious associations, still subsisting, of men who take an oath to continue them?

You all remember his half-pagan, half-Christian bringing up at Carthage, his emigration to Rome and Milan, his adoption of Manicheism and subsequent skepticism, and his restless search for truth and purity of life.

He has digested anti‑intellectualism, Manicheism, mysticism, pessimism, anarchy and egotism: they are nothing more than stages, unfinished thoughts which find their justification only in him.