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manhole cover

n. a flush iron cover for a manhole (as in a street)

Manhole cover

A manhole cover is a removable plate forming the lid over the opening of a manhole, to prevent anyone or anything from falling in, and to keep out unauthorized persons and material.

Manhole covers date back at least to the era of ancient Rome, which had sewer grates made from stone.

Usage examples of "manhole cover".

He pointed to the manhole cover in the road fifty yards away from where they stood.

Sunk into the floor was a heavy metal manhole cover with a T-shaped handle welded to its center.

When the planks are taken away, the result is a hollow, concrete obelisk with a cylindrical collar projecting from the top, with an iron manhole cover set into it.

When the middle of the floor was clear they were able to get at the manhole cover to the tunnel.

Mr Crepsley said, rubbing his sore right ankle and looking for a manhole cover.

An antidote to whatever hypnotic gas he had piped through the holes in the manhole cover.

Finding it fine, he touched his hand to the bottom of the manhole cover he had already removed once, earlier in the night, to make sure that it was free.

Sister winced as a piece of stone the size of a manhole cover slammed into a wrecked truck about ten feet away.

At the top, she lobbed her bag back onto the pavement and was about to climb out when the manhole cover abruptly slid back in place with a clang, catching her on the side of the head, and she dropped from the ladder, down into the roaring black spray.

And then, as Port Samarkand moved overhead and cast its light down into the alley, he saw a manhole cover about ten feet away.