Maner (Earlier known as Manyar) is a city and a notified area in Patna district in the Indian state of Bihar.
Maner Vidhan Sabha constituency is one of 243 legislative assembly of legislative assembly of Bihar. It is comes under Pataliputra lok sabha constituency along with other assembly constituencies viz Danapur, Masaurhi, Phulwari, Paliganj and Bikram.
Usage examples of "maner".
The introductory to writte and pronounce frenche, compiled by Alexander Barcley, in which k is moche vsed, and many other thynges also by hym affirmed, contrary to my sayenges in this boke, and specially in my seconde, where I shall assaye to expresse the declinations and coniugatynges with the other congruites obserued in the frenche tonge, I suppose it sufficient to warne the lernar, that I haue red ouer that boke at length: and what myn opinion is therin, it shall well inough apere in my bokes selfe, though I make therof no ferther expresse mencion: saue that I haue sene an olde boke written in parchement, in maner in all thynkes like to his sayd Introductory: whiche, by coniecture, was not vnwritten this hundred yeres.
And so in playne wordes they repreued without fauour the vyces of the sayd yl disposyd peple of what condicion or order they were: Of this auncient wrytinge of Comedyes our laten Poetes deuysed a maner of wrytinge nat inelegant.
I wot nat if he happened to fortune upon suche an other: for whan it was commaunded that the grammar maisters shulde teche the youth of Englande ioyntly latin with frenche, there were diuerse suche bokes diuysed: wherupon, as I suppose, began one great occasyon why we of England sounde the latyn tong so corruptly, whiche haue as good a tonge to sounde all maner speches parfitely as any other nacyon in Europa.
Others of them fained that they were forsaken, and seemed to flie and go awaie from them, whom dearely they did affect, and then was there running one after another with loud laughters, and effeminate criengs out, their faire tresses spredding downe ouer their snowie shoulders like threeds of gold, bound in laces of greene silke: Some loose after a Nymphish maner, others bounde vp in attyres of golde set with pearle.
Which ancient maner of writing, as I take it, is thus to be vnderstoode.
I beganne after this maner, making a square from the two collumnes on either side in a perfect sort, in the which I tooke the due proportion of the whole porch.
My legges weake, feeble, and fowltering vnder mee, my spirites languishing, and my sences in a maner gone from mee.
To the which were three stypits, the lower partes whereof, did finish in the forme of the tearing claw of a Lyon, with an exsquisite foliature, compassing about the steales of the stypets, hauing in the middest of euerie one, fastened the head of a childe betwixt two wings, from the which betwixt one and other of the stypets, there hung in maner of a Garland a bundle of leaues and fruites bounde togither, and biggest towardes the midst, and vppon the top of the stypets or steales, was put a proiection to beare vp the rounde table before the Queene.
The height thereof two foote and a halfe, the fashion in maner round, the breadth by diameter one foote and a halfe, and the circumference consisted of three diameters.
Some with winde-instruments of diuers fashions and maner of windings, sagbuts and flutes.
And thus they marched about in a most pleasant and delightfull maner vpon the fresh greene and flourishing plaine: Some instrophiated with laurel, some with myrtle, and others with other sorts of flowers and garlands, incessantly without any wearines or intermission in a perfection of the felicitie of this world, mutually enioying one anothers aspect and companie.
She helde hir right hand ouer an ancient vessell, in maner of a chafing-dish, called Chytropodus, sending foorth a flame of fire, into the which shee did cast roses and flowers, and in the other hand she held a branch of sweete myrtle, full of berries.
For where the cause of hostilitie is all one, the like effect and issue is to be looked for at the hands of a cruell and raging enemie of the trueth: for in a maner, all the inhabitants of the Hanse Townes are very good fauourers of the reformed Religion, and mortall enemies to the Romish errors.
Amonge whome Socrates that great begynner and honourer of wysdom began to dispute of ye maners of men.
The last and prynce of all was Juuenall whiche in his iocunde poemys comprehendyd al that was wryten most eloquent and pleasaunt of all the poetis of that sorte afore his tyme: O noble men, and diligent hertes and myndes, o laudable maners and tymes, these worthy men exyled ydelnes, wherby they haue obtayned nat small worshyp and great commodyte example and doctryne lefte to vs theyr posteryours why begyn we nat to vnderstonde and perceyue.