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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Mandarinate \Man`da*rin"ate\, n. The collective body of officials or persons of rank in China.
--S. W. Williams.


n. 1 The collective body of officials (mandarins) or persons of rank in historical China. 2 A political form of rule by mandarins 3 The status of holding a position as a mandarin. 4 (context figuratively English) A type of government marked by excessive bureaucracy and Byzantine regulations.

Usage examples of "mandarinate".

Since just one female sat on the Mandarinate, the willowy beauty could only be Ting Mei Wan, Minister of State Security.

Not being privy to the inner workings of the Mandarinate, he could not guess its nature.

She points out that she has been waiting many hours to apologize for what happened in the Mandarinate today.

If she had been waiting since the emperor dismissed the Mandarinate, it had to be something important to her.

I am to be your defender in the Mandarinate, it might be better if we were not observed having a tryst in your garden.

The emperor has relieved General Kwan of responsibility for the war against your indestructible armies, and surprised the Mandarinate by placing a young general from Chukei, Batu Min Ho, in command of the war.

A chorus of agreement ran through the Mandarinate and Ju-Hai realized that nothing he said would persuade his peers to listen to him.

Ju-Hai realized that the eyes of the entire Mandarinate were fixed on him, anxiously awaiting his acknowledgement or denial of the assassination attempt.