Mandalorians are a fictional people from the planet Mandalore in the Star Wars science fiction franchise created by George Lucas. First conceptualized for The Empire Strikes Back as a group of white-armored "supercommandos", the idea developed into a single bounty hunter character, Boba Fett. Though the term "Mandalorian" is never used in the films, the popularity of Boba Fett inspired an extensive amount of works about Mandalorians in the Star Wars expanded universe, also known as Legends.
Recognized by their iconic armor, the Mandalorian people are characterized in the expended universe as a multi-species warrior people who often work as mercenaries and bounty hunters. The Clone Wars television series reintroduced them to the franchise as a human people and introduced the New Mandalorians, pacifists who wish to distance themselves from Mandalore's warrior traditions. Mandalorian warrior characters also appear in the Rebels television series.