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n. tip, gratuity

Usage examples of "mancia".

Doctor Gozzi told me that there could not be the shadow of a doubt that his unfortunate sister was possessed, as, if she had only been mad, she never would have so cruelly ill-treated the Capuchin, Prospero, and he determined to place her under the care of Father Mancia.

Having made up my mind to shew her every kindness in my power, I took an opportunity, as we were undressing for the night, of telling Doctor Gozzi that, for conscientious motives, I could not confess to Father Mancia, and yet that I did not wish to be an exception in that matter.

He would have reminded me of Father Mancia if he had not looked stouter and less reserved.

Father Mancia took a sprinkler and threw over her a few drops of holy water.

Father Mancia smiled, dipped the sprinkler over and over in the holy water, gave us all a generous shower, and took his leave.

Ahimè, quella squallida, inutile roba giaceva dove l'avevo posata: non avevo modo di spendere quel denaro, e spesso mi accadeva di pensare che ne avrei dato volentieri una manciata in cambio di una buona scorta di pipe o di una macina a mano per macinare il mio grano.

Caricai i due moschetti con due pallottole e altri cinque o sei pallini di minor calibro, suppergiù come quelli che usavo per le pistole, e caricai il fucile con una manciata scarsa di pallini di calibro maggiore, di quelli che usavo per sparare alla selvaggina.

Inoltre avevo in tasca due o tre grappoli di uva passa, e del pari gliene diedi una manciata perché la portasse a suo padre.