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Crossword clues for manageress

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Jean had gone off to the ladies when the manageress came to lead them to their table.
▪ Mrs Coyle was retiring after 17 years as manageress.
▪ Sara, beautiful Sara, appeared in the accounts as the manageress.
▪ The robber then forced Ben, the shop's manageress and her son into a cupboard.
▪ The small lobby had a high plastic desk at which the manageress sat.
▪ We're complaining to the manageress.
▪ We collected our packed lunch from the manageress, and, as the sun again was shining, set out for Helvellyn.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

manageress \manageress\ n. A woman manager.


n. A female manager.


n. a woman manager

Usage examples of "manageress".

Mr Strong always maintained that it was the shade of a certain Mrs Kark who had been manageress before the Strong family took the establishment over, and that this was her way of paying him out after passing to the other side.

Under the scrutiny of shop staff and the sniff of manageresses he nodded as she displayed her acquisitions.

Rainbow had two shops, one in Birmingham, one in Worcester, where carefully selected manageresses looked after his interests.