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n. 1 (plural of manacle English) 2 (context plurale tantum English) A plurale tantum with same meanings as ''manacle''.

Usage examples of "manacles".

He was securely locked in steel manacles, one on each wrist and around each ankle, and was suspended several inches above a white, tiled floor, his limbs spreadeagled, on a smooth blue wall.

Wargo produced a key and quickly unlocked the manacles securing Blade.

He wound up in the push-up position, his left arm bracing him, his ankles smarting like the dickens from the manacles above his feet.

The length of chain between her manacles was barely long enough to allow her to use the tools.

Chyna shook off the manacles and raised her hands, gazing at them in wonder.

After pulling herself completely into the world of Edgler Vess long enough to drill out the locks on the manacles, she had exhausted her courage.

A strong rope was slung through their manacles, harnessing them together, and they were led from the prison like a team of horses and taken down streets filled with ordinary citizens of Sharalidor who paused to gawk at the specimens bound for the human meat market.

He was still wearing the leather jacket, and the combination of that and the manacles made the task of removing his boots awkward.

Shaw caught it in the air, and Longarm watched as he unlocked one of the manacles and then passed the end around the post.

In an awkward move, with his hands restricted by the manacles, Shaw transferred the key to his left hand and then pitched it toward Longarm.

Back when I was in law I carried a set of manacles just like you, in my saddlebags.

You went to bed leaving me with the key to those there manacles in easy reach in my coat pocket.

With an awkward hand, because of the manacles, Longarm poured his cup half full and then added a little of the whiskey.

He took the manacles off his wrist, stood up, and walked over to his saddlebags.

The tiny figure of Ca stepped nonchalantly out into the shadow of the Sen-Danna Wall, apparently unmindful of the manacles on his wrists and i steel bilboes that held his ankles.