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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Maltha \Mal"tha\ (m[a^]l"th[.a]), n. [L., fr. Gr. ma`lqa.]

  1. A variety of bitumen, viscid and tenacious, like pitch, unctuous to the touch, and exhaling a bituminous odor.

  2. Mortar. [Obs.]


n. 1 thick mineral pitch 2 mineral tar


n. a thick black tar intermediate between petroleum and asphalt [syn: mineral tar]


Maltha may refer to:

  • Maltha, California
  • San Fu Maltha

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Usage examples of "maltha".

One of the first to have a look at a Qella recovered on Maltha Obex some years earlier, she was currently a member of the xenobiology team tasked with compiling a profile on the Yuuzhan Vong.

Not tor the sake or Malthas, whose impassioned words had swayed him: not for the sake of Carfax, who had given his life to save him.