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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Malign \Ma*lign"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Maligned; p. pr. & vb. n. Maligning.] [Cf. L. malignare. See Malign,

  1. ] To treat with malice; to show hatred toward; to abuse; to wrong; to injure. [Obs.]

    The people practice what mischiefs and villainies they will against private men, whom they malign by stealing their goods, or murdering them.

    2. To speak great evil of; to traduce; to defame; to slander; to vilify; to asperse.

    To be envied and shot at; to be maligned standing, and to be despised falling.


vb. (present participle of malign English)

Usage examples of "maligning".

Showing up here without ring or sword and maligning a real lord like my brother .