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The Collaborative International Dictionary

maligned \maligned\ adj. Assailed with contemptuous language.

Syn: reviled.

  1. Assailed with contemptuous language v

  2. (en-past of: malign)


adj. assailed with contemptuous language [syn: reviled]

Usage examples of "maligned".

The victimized oarsman shot from the stern seat to defend his maligned competence.

Carter is so often maligned for his stupidity, it tends to be forgotten that he is also selfrighteous, vengeful, sneaky, and backstabbing.

In this, Mama Bobchik was somewhat maligned, for she limited herself to foodstuffs.

There are times, Jimmy, when I regard the CIA as being a much maligned lot.

There is only one word to describe this quality -- the old-fashioned and much maligned term "goodness.

I'm afraid he grossly maligned the poor man but at the moment he deemed it prudent to divert any suspicions that Majors Metrovic and Rankovic might have been harbouring from himself to an absent person.

She was a zealous follower of Phos, and hearing a priest of any sect maligned made her ill at ease.