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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1660s, from male (adj.) + -ness.


n. The condition of being male; masculinity.


n. the properties characteristic of the male sex [syn: masculinity] [ant: femaleness]

Usage examples of "maleness".

He, too, had had pleasure, of this I was certain, yet did the maleness of him resent the position in which he had had his pleasure.

The power of his maleness could not be escaped, and he made full use of me so before returning me to my back and using me again.

Sweet, so sweet, were those imagined lips, yet when strong maleness was brought fully to me, it seemed a bit more than imagined.

After sharing battle with him I had spoken of my willingness to call Chaldrin sister-brother, as he was male-yet my actions toward him had been colored with the awareness of his maleness and no other thing.

Broad and hard was his body, scarred with marks of battle, and eager indeed was his maleness for Jalav.

There was no escape from his driving maleness and determined hands, though in desperation I made the attempt, and much amused was the male by the actions he produced.

The hairy belly of him pressed to mine, he kept me from his maleness with his fists in my hair, disallowing more than the faint touch of its end against me.

The alien at rest, walking, moving, undressed showing his maleness, standing on the Cliffs of Flight looking out over the inland sea.

When an ovum bearing maleness meets the invariably maleness-bearing sperm, the resultant individual is a male, of course, and he is male all through.

Unshaven and unwashed for several days, he exuded maleness like nothing she had seen or smelled since those sailors aboard the Wotan, and that, after all, had been at sea.

In transvestic terms, the search for the Erotic Mother takes the form of alchemy, for when he cross-dresses, the CD is unconsciously attempting to transform his ordinary longing and unremarkable maleness into a thing of great beauty: the very embodiment of the Erotic Mother.

Prew grinned after him and went back to scrubbing down, feeling good now, feeling really fine, feeling wonderful, with the ferriswheel sickishness coming in his belly and the heavy, pendulous, full bellying swinging maleness rising, and with Maggio waiting on him in the Dayroom to play pool.

It was an outfit full of slits and apertures, dynamic evening wear, extremely high-powered, rich in fetish content, and he found himself wishing to see her dressed in this ultraseductive apparel, aware of the irony of his desire, backing into the totally serene confusion of it all, the inverted fundamentalism of maleness allowed its answered prayer.

He was mesmerising her, Rue thought disjointedly He was trying to weaken her, to read her mind, to overwhelm her with his maleness in the same way that Julian had once done.

She must have moved, although she had no conscious awareness of having done so, only of being closer to him--so close that she could feel the steady thud of his heart, which was quickly becoming far less steady as his body registered her nearness and reacted to her with such frank maleness that she tensed instinctively.