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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Malbrouck \Mal"brouck\, n. [F.] (Zo["o]l.) A West African arboreal monkey ( Cercopithecus cynosurus).


n. An arboreal monkey from Africa, (taxlink Chlorocebus cynosuros species noshow=1).


The malbrouck (Chlorocebus cynosuros) is a primate from Africa that belongs to the genus Chlorocebus. The species is sometimes classified as a subspecies of the vervet monkey (C. pygerythrus), or of the widespread grivet (C. aethiops).

Usage examples of "malbrouck".

France does not yet carry elegance to the length of doing like the English nobility, and raining down on the post-chaise of the bridal pair a hail storm of slippers trodden down at heel and of worn-out shoes, in memory of Churchill, afterwards Marlborough, or Malbrouck, who was assailed on his wedding-day by the wrath of an aunt which brought him good luck.

France does not yet push elegance so far as to have, like the English nobility, a hailstorm of slippers down at the heel and old shoes, beating upon the bridal post-chaise, in memory of Churchill, afterwards Marlborough, or Malbrouck, who was assailed on the day of his marriage by the anger of an aunt who brought him good luck.