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The Collaborative International Dictionary

malapert \mal"a*pert\ (m[a^]l"[.a]*p[~e]rt), a. [OF. malapert unskillful, ill-taught, ill-bred; mal ill + apert open, adroit, intelligent, L. apertus, p. p. of aperire to open. See Malice, and Aperient.] Bold; forward; impudent; saucy; pert.
--Shak. -- n. A malapert person.

Are you growing malapert! Will you force me to make use of my authority ?
--Dryden. [1913 Webster] -- Mal"a*pert`ly, adv. -- mal"a*pert`ness, n.


n. (context obsolete English) The condition of being malapert. (15th-18th c.)

Usage examples of "malapertness".

Yet he had, for his malapertness, one of his legs broken, and he that did it wished it had been his neck.