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making matters worse

vb. (present participle of make matters worse English)

Usage examples of "making matters worse".

But now he was prattling on about quests and menaces and such, and it was just making matters worse.

Thats why the Evult is only making matters worse with all his fussing and fuming.

That speaks well of you, but there is no sense in making matters worse.

That's why the Evult is only making matters worse with all his fussing and fuming.

I had no intention of making matters worse by marrying her, I didn't owe her that.

I had no intention of making matters worse by marrying her, I didn’.

Jonathan was making matters worse, not better, but Alfred had no idea how to stop him .

It was his own problem, though, and he did not want Galt and a bunch of ignorant helpers making matters worse.

No point in making matters worse, and he was worried that Andy might prove to be a threat to him.

Realizing that this restless pacing was only making matters worse, Tarod turned back to the window and was about to sit down again when he heardor thought he hearda sound at the outer door.