vb. To err, to be wrong.
Usage examples of "make a mistake".
He was one of the three men I ever knew who could do it consistently, hour after hour, and never make a mistake.
If the mundumugu can make a mistake by allowing a young boy to speak with his computer, can he not also make a mistake by not allowing the Elders to speak to it?
She could not afford to make a mistake, yet in the back of her mind was the thoroughly disquieting notion that her haste would almost ensure some kind of slip-up.
A young man may make a mistake, padre, and exaggerate a disappointment.
Even the greatest strategist cannot see the picture as a whole: the Hiders and Napoleons always make a mistake in the end.
But with a master as pathologically suspicious as Tiberius, Sejanus was bound to make a mistake.
But for all of that, it would still be easy--very, very easy--for him to make a mistake.
But whoever had done this the night before--with the corpse of the Governor upstairs, the rain lashing down, with the clock running and all the lights off, that person might well make a mistake.