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main roads

n. (main road English)

Usage examples of "main roads".

Diev is a goodly distance from Fenard, Elparta, or even Kleth, and there are few ways to get there easily except by the main roads-or by the sea.

Minister Zeiber was in charge of public works, basically the main roads and bridges-mostly the metaled ones.

The main roads east and west enter the town right under the keep's walls.

We can only go as fast as the slowest man and we must stay off the main roads.

Below Germanna, the two main roads pointing west-the roads that pointed straight at Lee's army-were clear as well.

There's a lot of movement on the main roads, both along the coast to our west, and also east on Route 1.

You felt that danger was everywhere, inside the houses, around the next bend in the highway, maybe even hiding beneath the cars and trucks littered all over the main roads.