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n. (plural of mahout English)

Usage examples of "mahouts".

Four mahouts had worked every day since-in Utica and Tarentum, on the Via Appia, at Capua-to tame the recalcitrant pachyderms sufficiently to persuade them to act as beasts of slight burden.

The elephants were under the control of the mahouts, each one sitting between a pair of massive, wrinkled grey shoulders more than ten feet off the ground.

Through the use of cunning potions I brought all his mahouts under my sway!

A dozen blue coated gunners were clustered about a six-pounder cannon, evidently the gun that would be rammed against the city gate, while just beyond them was a battery of four twelve-pounder cannon drawn by elephants and, as Sharpe and McCandless urged their horses towards Wallace, the four mahouts halted their elephants and the gunners hurried to unharness the four guns.

They were of different sizes, and some had their mahouts or palanquins on their backs.