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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Mahometanism \Ma*hom"et*an*ism\, prop. n. See Mohammedanism.

Usage examples of "mahometanism".

Because the convent, which is common to the Orient as well as to the Occident, to antiquity as well as to modern times, to paganism, to Buddhism, to Mahometanism, as well as to Christianity, is one of the optical apparatuses applied by man to the Infinite.

Let us not insult Mahometanism, the only religion that is adorned with a hen-roost!

Because the convent, which is common to the East as well as to the West, to ancient as well as to modern times, to Paganism as well as to Buddhism, to Mahometanism as well as to Christianity, is one of the optical appliances turned by man upon the Infinite.