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n. (alternative spelling of mahjong English)

Usage examples of "mah-jong".

The night was hot and humid and he was playing mah-jong with three of his friends.

I simply can't send him over to Aberdeen-that could take an hour and I've a mah-jong game from two till four.

He said John Chen was not drunk or bad-tempered, anything like that, but seemed in good spirits, though earlier at the club, the Tong Lau Club, he'd appeared irritable and cut the mah-jong game short.

He had never heard of it but that meant nothing as there were hundreds of private Chinese lunching or dining or at mah-jong clubs.

They had raided three gambling joints but had, curiously, left five much more prosperous ones untouched even though they were on the same floor of the same tenement and he could hear the click of mah-jong tiles and the cries of the fan-tan croupiers.

For hours each day, while A-lu-te talked with Gregory, played Mah-jong with Kao, or flirted mildly with one or other of the officers, Wu-ming sat, making only an occasional contribution to the conversation, but all the time devouring her with a wide-eyed unwinking stare.

To a disinterested observer it was merely one more xiao wan ju, a legacy to a first son from a once unworthy fisherman who had struck minor riches - a crazy night of mah-jong, hashish from the Triangle, smuggled jewels out of Macao - who cared?