Magyarcsanád (; / Čanad) a multi-ethnic village located in Csongrád (county), southeast Hungary near the Mureş River . The Maros is a border-river here between northern Hungary and southern Romania.
The population is mainly Hungarian, but many Romanians, Serbians and Romani people are also living here. Magyarcsanád has four churches: a Romanian Orthodox, a Serbian Orthodox, a Calvinist and a Roman Catholic.
The village has an own outskirt called Bökény directly near the Maros. Here is a tumulus in which archeological artifacts were found.
Magyarcsanád has a partner-settlement Comloşu Mare in Timiş County .
An old stone cross was erected near Magyarcsanád in the Middle Ages. The cross still stands. There is a small isle called in Hungarian "Senki szigete" (in English: Nobody's Isle) some kilometers eastward from Magyarcsanád on the border river Mureş. The isle is inhabited by Phalacrocoracidae ( Phalacrocorax carbo).