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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Magyar \Mag"yar\ (m[a^]g"y[aum]r; Hung. m[o^]d"y[o^]r), prop. n.

  1. (Ethnol.) One of the dominant people of Hungary, allied to the Finns; a Hungarian.

  2. The language of the Magyars.


Magyar \Mag"yar\, prop. a. Of or pertaining to the Magyars or their language; Hungarian.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"a Hungarian," 1797, the people's native name. As an adjective by 1828.


Magyar may refer to:

  • A nation and an ethnic group native to and primarily associated with Hungarians
  • Magyar tribes, the fundamental political units in which the Hungarians lived during the time they still occupied the Ural Mountains, prior to the establishment of the Principality of Hungary
  • The Hungarian language

Usage examples of "magyar".

For Europe suffered its last destructive invasions from without during the Magyar raids of the ninth and tenth centuries -- the period of Almoravid penetration and conquest in the Western Sudan.

After the Crimean War Morier obtained permission to make a tour through South-east Hungary and to study for himself the mixture of Slavonic, Magyar, and Teutonic races inhabiting that district.

Stately is the Danube, rolling in its might through lands romantic with the wild exploits of Turk, Polak, and Magyar!

The minute those clumsy tercios try and get out of the gate the Magyar are going to charge from both sides.

Magyar, Osmanli, and other dialects of the Altai family, as, for instance, with the Finnic on the old continent, as well as the Algonquin-Lenape language and some others in America.

Magyar, the Lombard, the Avar, the Bulgar, or the Turk poured his thousands on our frontiers, we drove them back?

In leafy nooks between these, uphill walks begin their climb of the mountains, from the foot of votive shrines set round with tablets commemorating in German, French, Russian, Hebrew, Magyar and Czech, the cure of high-well-borns of all those races and languages.

These Roumanians plague me damnably, being officious and particular where you cou'd buy a Magyar off with a Drinke and Food.

Kovacs called in Magyar, then jumped down from the cab with the paper shopping bag.

When the Tziganes resisted, laws were passed requiring Tziganes to become Christians and to marry only Magyars.