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a. Pertaining to magma or magmatism.

Usage examples of "magmatic".

Undoubtedly this planet had had a geological history similar to that of Earth, and the highly cultured beings who had built this vanished city had made full use of their magmatic heritage in laying these cavernous foundations.

The magmatic currents of a cooling world had not been able to break up the new supercontinent, as they had the first.

Whereupon the miscellaneous boozers, druggies, trank-gobblers, and other sad substance-muddled fuckupniks who inhabit the Citizens Service Houses now find themselves obliged to go out on the front lines at least three or four times a month, and sometimes more often than that, to toil alongside more respectable folk in the effort to keep the rampaging magmatic flow from extending the grip that it already holds over a significant chunk of the Southland.

Prisoners desiring to take a bath had to time their immersions carefully, as the temperature of the flows frequently jumped according to unpredictable variations in subsurface magmatic levels.

As before, these magmatic pressures from below pushed upward huge blocks of the basement, and bent the more flexible layered rocks above the basement until a massive mountain range had been erected.

But now there were spreading pools of white light at the rims of the magmatic convection cells: plasma, presumably, from the high-energy stuff going on in the interior.

In your opinion, will we have enough creative energy available from unconcerted joint output to bleed off the volatiles and sink the magmatic residue back into the asthenosphere?