Crossword clues for magistrates
n. (plural of magistrate English)
The Magistrates are the police force of the fictional nation of Genosha in the Marvel Comics universe.
Magistrates is a pop band hailing from South Woodham Ferrers in Essex, England.
Usage examples of "magistrates".
He was thirty-four years of age and during fifteen years had acted as clerk to four investigating magistrates in succession.
Daburon was ascending the stairs that led to the offices of the investigating magistrates, when he saw old Tabaret coming towards him.
The lamentations of Monsieur de Lamotte went to the hearts of the magistrates, but his certainty could not establish theirs, and they pitied, but could not avenge him.
It was the only line of defence which remained open to him, and he clung to it, with the hope of imposing on the magistrates by redoubled hypocrisy and pious observances.
God, who sees me, and who knows my innocence, will enlighten the magistrates, and my honour will be vindicated.
It is also decreed that the mortuary act of the aforesaid de Lamotte the younger, dated the sixteenth day of February last, in the register of deaths belonging to the parish church of Saint-Louis at Versailles, be amended, and his correct names be substituted, in order that the said Sieur de Lamotte, the father, and other persons interested, may produce said names before the magistrates if required.
Court declares the judgment pronounced by the magistrates of the Chatelet against the above named Derues to be good and right, and his appeal against the same to be bad and ill-founded.
For three-quarters of an hour he harangued the Parliament, and his defence was remarkable both for its presence of mind and the art with which he made the most of any circumstances likely to suggest doubts to the magistrates and soften the severity of the first sentence.
But behind him he left two squadrons of cavalry under the command of Torquatus-to assist the magistrates to maintain order, he said blandly.
Lucius Valerius Flaccus Princeps Senatus who took the curule chair, surrounded only by the skeletal body of magistrates who had remained in Rome and survived.
Senate and People in any form or through any magistrates, and from appeal to any Assembly or body or magistrates.
He has the services of the Senate and all the Comitia as advisory bodies, he has his Master of the Horse, and he has however many magistrates he chooses to see elected beneath him.
Under the provisions of the Centuriate law which gave me my position, I am not obliged to see other magistrates elected if I so wish.
One after another the names of the magistrates were read out, and no voice was raised in protest.
In almost every respect his procession was a standard one-first the magistrates and senators, then musicians and dancers, the carts displaying spoils and the floats depicting various incidents from the campaign, the priests and the white male sacrificial victims, the captives and hostages, and then the general in his chariot, followed by his army.