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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Here too wealth and power were concentrated in the hands of the magistracy, the clergy and the landed aristocracy.
▪ The result was particularly disappointing, given the fact that the magistracy had already been purged by both Charles and James.
▪ Throughout the six years which have intervened these charges have remained in the magistracy, the subject of successive remands.
▪ What actually happened was that a less doctrinaire magistracy put local taxes up in order to provide bread for poor families.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Magistracy \Mag"is*tra*cy\, n.; pl. Magistracies. [From Magistrate.]

  1. The office or dignity of a magistrate.

  2. The collective body of magistrates.


n. 1 The office or dignity of a magistrate. 2 The collective body of magistrates.


n. the position of magistrate [syn: magistrature]

Usage examples of "magistracy".

It was more agreeable to his temper, as well as to his policy, to reign under the venerable names of ancient magistracy, and artfully to collect, in his own person, all the scattered rays of civil jurisdiction.

Rank dictated the positions of some, like those holding magistracies, priesthoods, augurships, but the bulk of the senators were at liberty to distribute themselves among cronies and settle to partake of viands the bottomless purse of Young Marius had provided.

The accompanying diagram most clearly shows the nature of each magistracy, its seniority, who did the electing, and whether a magistrate owned imperium.

Since I have chosen him, and since my logic is irrefutable, it follows that Master Knops is the best man for the magistracy.

That his majesty be enabled to defray any such expense as he may incur in establishing an efficient stipendiary magistracy in the colonies, and in aiding the local legislatures in providing for the religious and moral education of the negro population to be emancipated.

They have robbed us of our property, they have murdered our citizens while endeavoring to reclaim that property by lawful means, they have set at naught the decrees of the Supreme Court, they have invaded our States and killed our citizens, they have declared their unalterable determination to exclude us altogether from the Territories, they have nullified the laws of Congress, and finally they have capped the mighty pyramid of unfraternal enormities by electing Abraham Lincoln to the Chief Magistracy, on a platform and by a system which indicated nothing but the subjugation of the South and the complete ruin of her social, political and industrial institutions.

Bamaby, the British minister to the Helvetic body, took the alarm, and presented the magistracy of Fribourg with a remonstrance, couched in such terms as gave offence to that regency, and drew upon him a severe answer.

A regard for the public tranquillity, which would so frequently have been interrupted by annual or by occasional elections, induced the primitive Christians to constitute an honorable and perpetual magistracy, and to choose one of the wisest and most holy among their presbyterians to execute, during his life, the duties of their ecclesiastical governor.

Listening incredulously to the Dictator announcing that he would hold elections for all the magistracies!

Shortly after the 2d of December under the title of Mixed Commissions, the police substituted itself for justice, drew up judgments, pronounced sentences, violated every law judicially without the regular magistracy interposing the slightest obstacle to this irregular magistracy: Justice allowed the police to do what it liked with the satisfied look of a team of horses which had just been relieved.

Prussia wished for information on the practical working of the English system of government, and sent over two jurists to enquire into the working of the unpaid magistracy, they were advised to attend the Winchester Quarter Sessions, as one of the best regulated to be found.

This august body has admitted too many parvenus, too many noxious mushrooms, too many New Men into its senior magistracies.

He would then deprive the new Signory of the magistracy, appoint another, burn the present balloting purses, and by means of a new Squittini, provide themselves with friends.

To outrage Right, to suppress the Assembly, to abolish the Constitution, to strangle the Republic, to overthrow the Nation, to sully the Flag, to dishonor the Army, to suborn the Clergy and the Magistracy, to succeed, to triumph, to govern, to administer, to exile, to banish, to transport, to ruin, to assassinate, to reign, with such complicities that the law at last resembles a foul bed of corruption.

When he entered on his magistracy he continually delivered harangues from the tribunal, in which he censured the senate as energetically as he put down the plebs.