- Fox sketch comedy show for Sasso and Spears
- Fox series with a 14-year run
- Fox series based on a humor magazine
- Former sketch show inspired by a humor magazine
- Former sketch comedy that used Don Martin cartoons
- Comedy show that once featured "Spy vs. Spy" cartoons
- Comedy show produced by Quincy Jones
- Comedy series that once featured the stars of "Key & Peele"
- Bygone "SNL" rival
- "SNL" rival
- "SNL" alternative on Fox since 1995
- "SNL" alternative from 1995 to 2009
- "SNL" alternative
- Sketch comedy show on Fox
- Fox comedy series
- Show with skits
- Fox comedy show
- Long-running "S.N.L." rival
- Show on which Key and Peele got their start
- Sketch show with Dollar Bill Montgomery
- Show Michael McDonald left in 2008
- One-time "SNL" rival
- Fox series with Alfred E. Neuman in the opening credits
- Sketch show that comedians Key & Peele were regulars on: 2 wds
- Show that featured Hoppy Potty