Crossword clues for madronos
n. (plural of madrono English)
n. (plural of madroño English)
Usage examples of "madronos".
The sunset fires, refracted from the cloud-driftage of the autumn sky, bathed the canyon with crimson, in which ruddy-limbed madronos and wine-wooded manzanitas burned and smoldered.
More leaping tree squirrels, more ruddy madronos and majestic oaks, more fairy circles of redwoods, and, still beside the singing stream, they passed a gate by the roadside.
Billy pointed to the father of all madronos, six feet in diameter at its base, sturdy and sound, which stood before the house.
Saxon stood under the father of all madronos, watching Hazel and Hattie go out the gate, the full vegetable wagon behind them, when she saw Billy ride in, leading a sorrel mare from whose silken coat the sun flashed golden lights.
It seemed as if all local varieties of trees and vines had conspired to weave the leafy roof--maples, big madronos and laurels, and lofty tan-bark oaks, scaled and wrapped and interwound with wild grape and flaming poison oak.
Again we climbed a ridge, this time riding under red-limed madroños and manzanitas of deeper red.