Madrasi is 2006 Tamil action film produced by Subha Sandeep on Inspired Movies & Spice Team Entertainments banner, directed by Arjun. Starring Arjun, Jagapati Babu, Vedhicka and Gajala in the lead roles and music composed by D. Imman. It is the debut movie of Vedhicka. The film was dubbed into Telugu as of Siva Kaasi simultaneously with Sunil and MS Narayana replacing Vivek and Venniradai Moorthy. The film recorded as flop at the box office.
Madrasi is an ethnic slur used for people of South India.
Madrasi may also refer to:
- Madrasi (2006 film), a Tamil language film
- Madrasi (2013 film), an upcoming Telugu film
- Madrasi chess, a chess variant invented in 1979
Usage examples of "madrasi".
The Madrasi too has a dark complexion so he should stay at Pondicherry!
Christian Madrasi, the laziest rascal in Bhamo, who early confessed to me his change of faith and the transformation it had effected in the future prospects of his soul.