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n. any treelike cycad of the genus Macrozamia having erect trunks and pinnate leaves and large cones with sometimes edible nuts; Australia


Macrozamia is a genus of 38-40 species of cycads, in the family Zamiaceae, all endemic to Australia. The majority of the species occur in eastern Australia in southeast Queensland and New South Wales, with one species in the Macdonnell Ranges of Northern Territory and three in southern Western Australia. The common name burrawang, originally referring to M. communis in the Daruk Australian Aboriginal language, is often used for all the species in the genus.

  1. Macrozamia cardiacensis - southeast Queensland
  2. Macrozamia communis - east coast of New South Wales
  3. Macrozamia concinna - New South Wales
  4. Macrozamia conferta - southeast Queensland
  5. Macrozamia cranei - southeast Queensland
  6. Macrozamia crassifolia - southeast Queensland
  7. Macrozamia denisoni - southeast Queensland
  8. Macrozamia diplomera - New South Wales
  9. Macrozamia douglasii - southeast Queensland
  10. Macrozamia dyeri - southern coast of Western Australia
  11. Macrozamia elegans - New South Wales
  12. Macrozamia fawcettii - New South Wales
  13. Macrozamia fearnsidei - southeast Queensland
  14. Macrozamia flexuosa - New South Wales
  15. Macrozamia fraseri - southwestern Western Australia
  16. Macrozamia glaucophylla - New South Wales
  17. Macrozamia heteromera - New South Wales
  18. Macrozamia humilis - New South Wales
  19. Macrozamia johnsonii - New South Wales
  20. Macrozamia lomandroides - southeast Queensland
  21. Macrozamia longispina - southeast Queensland
  22. Macrozamia lucida - southeast Queensland
  23. Macrozamia macdonnellii - Macdonnell Ranges, Northern Territory
  24. Macrozamia macleayi - Queensland
  25. Macrozamia miquelii - southeast and central Queensland
  26. Macrozamia montana - New South Wales
  27. Macrozamia moorei - southeast and central Queensland
  28. Macrozamia mountperriensis - southeast Queensland
  29. Macrozamia occidua - southeast Queensland
  30. Macrozamia parcifolia - southeast Queensland
  31. Macrozamia pauli-guilielmi - southeast Queensland, northeast New South Wales
  32. Macrozamia platyrachis - southeast Queensland
  33. Macrozamia plurinervia - southeast Queensland, northeast New South Wales
  34. Macrozamia polymorpha - New South Wales
  35. Macrozamia reducta - New South Wales
  36. Macrozamia riedlei - southwestern Western Australia
  37. Macrozamia secunda - New South Wales
  38. Macrozamia serpentina - southeast Queensland
  39. Macrozamia spiralis - New South Wales
  40. Macrozamia stenomera - New South Wales
  41. Macrozamia viridis - southeast Queensland

Usage examples of "macrozamia".

But here were gums and wattles, and the undergrowth was Macrozamia and Chorizema and Wild Fuschia and Clematis and Sarsaparilla vine.

Only the hardiest stood motionless on the rock bottom with poised spear, while the hidden baiters gently scattered fine pith from the cabbage palm or chewed up seeds of the macrozamia, to attract the fish and bring them to the surface.