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n. (plural of macro English)

Usage examples of "macros".

They will have knowledge of this Book of Macros if anyone other than Pug does.

And most of all, what was the Book of Macros and where could they find it?

There are only four I can think of who might have the powers to discern the location of that chamber, and be able to find a way within: Macros the Black, myself, Elgahar of the Assembly, and Makala.

I suspect that even if Macros does practice the darker side of magic, his reputation is greatly inflated, perhaps as a means of securing privacy.

Guiding Tomas to a seat near where the Queen stood, Macros forced him to sit with a gentle pressure on his shoulder.

She turned to Macros, wishing to thank him for his counsel, and found him gone.

The staff extended toward the Tsurani, as Macros aimed it at the red barrier.

TOMAS NOR Aglaranna was surprised when Macros arrived in Elvandar, for they had ceased being amazed at the sorcerer after his first visit.

The entire court was assembled, including Longbow, when Macros came to stand before the Queen and Tomas.

Martin was about to speak when Macros raised his hand, those of the court paused as if taking a breath.

In the most basic fiber of his being he suddenly was aware of how much power the sorcerer possessed, and that should Macros choose, he could brush him aside like a nettlesome insect.

The magicians were anxious to reach the castle of Macros, for they had more questions than the others.

They entered and found themselves in the study of Macros the Black, a large room occupying the entire top of the tower.