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The Collaborative International Dictionary

n. (context NZ English) The Monterey cypress.

Macrocarpa (disambiguation)

Macrocarpa, large- fruited in Latin, may refer to:

  • Alsomitra macrocarpa, a tropical climber with wing-like seeds.
  • Crataegus × macrocarpa, a hybrid between two species of hawthorn
  • Macrocarpa - the common New Zealand and Australian name for the Monterey cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa)
  • Macrozanonia macrocarpa, an obsolete classification of Alsomitra macrocarpa.
  • Zanonia macrocarpa, an obsolete classification of Alsomitra macrocarpa.

Usage examples of "macrocarpa".

Will Palmer, emerging from behind a macrocarpa hedge, stopped in the middle of the lawn, looking surly, as Constable Gates grubbed among the flower-pots in one of the greenhouses, and Constable Bryant, his shirt-sleeves rolled up, thrust his arms into the green depths of the lily pond.

He gestured towards the macrocarpa hedge on the left through which the gleam of a building showed.

Will Palmer, emerging from behind a macrocarpa hedge, stopped in the middle of the lawn, looking surly, as Constable Gates grubbed among the flowerpots in one of the greenhouses, and Constable Bryant, his shirt-sleeves rolled up, thrust his arms into the green depths of the lily pond.