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Macquarie is a commonly encountered name for geographical and business entities in Australia, all of which are directly or indirectly named after Lachlan Macquarie, early colonial administrator and governor of New South Wales.

Macquarie may refer to:

Usage examples of "macquarie".

The islands of Chatham, Auckland, Macquarie, Kermadec, Makin, Maraki, are also belonging to the English.

Happily, five days, or, at most, six, would take them to Auckland, no matter how bad a sailor the MACQUARIE was.

The MACQUARIE only does a coasting trade between Eden and Auckland, and Halley is so at home in these waters that he takes no observations.

Still the prompt maneuver of John Mangles succeeded in keeping the MACQUARIE off the breakers.

The MACQUARIE stood out to sea on the larboard tack, under all her lower sails, topsails, topgallants, cross-jack, and jib.

Then Wilson came to the conclusion that the animal was a sea-elephant commonly found at Macquarie Island, but never before seen within the Antarctic circle.