MacBreak is an internet television show hosted by Leo Laporte, Rene Ritchie`, Kendra Arimoto, Alex Lindsay, iJustine and Emery Wells from and the Pixel Corps. The podcast is dedicated to Apple's Macintosh computers and other Apple products such as the iPod.
MacBreak was the first podcast in 1080p high definition format, with the release of an episode on the TWiT web site in the format. According to Leo Laporte on This Week in Tech, MacBreak caused bandwidth problems for its service provider, Libsyn.
MacBreak is a production of the network in association with Pixel Corps. It is filmed in San Francisco, California on a greenscreen set at the San Francisco School of Digital Filmmaking. Each episode, the live-action greenscreen footage is keyed and composited over a virtual 3D set by members of the Pixel Corps. This process is explained in the "Road to 1080p" episodes.
Starting in April 2007 with the release of MacBreak #65, "MacBreak Minutes" hosted by Merlin Mann and Kenji Kato began to appear along with full MacBreak episodes. MacBreak Minutes are short tips that consisted of an application or tool featured in a one-minute condensed video.
Regular MacBreak guests/alternate host have included Weezer drummer Patrick Wilson, Kenji Kato, Mark Spencer, Craig Syverson, Cali Lewis, Don McAllister and Dr. Kiki Sanford.
As of MacBreak #29, the opening titles were changed to reflect the new lineup of hosts. Amber MacArthur was no longer listed, replaced by Merlin Mann and Kendra Arimoto. iJustine became a host on January 12, 2007. The latest episode was produced May 3, 2011.