Maanikya is a 2014 Indian Kannada action drama film directed by Sudeep featuring Sudeep, V. Ravichandran, Varalaxmi Sharathkumar and Ranya Rao in the lead roles. The film is a remake of 2013 Telugu film Mirchi. Maanikya is the costliest film ever made in Kannada cinema and released on 1 May 2014. Upon its release, Maanikya got an excellent response from the critics and audience, and had a decent opening at the box office. Maanikya was released in maximum number of screens and has had the maximum number of audience for a new release in the opening weekend ever. A record 0.8 million tickets were sold on the first day for the film. Maanikya went on to become the highest grossing Kannada movie. The satellite rights of the movie were sold for a record-breaking price as well. The film has also been dubbed into Hindi as Maanikkya.