Maamarim/Ma'amorim (, meaning "Discourses", singular Maamar ) in Chabad Hasidism are the central format texts of in-depth mystical investigation in Hasidic thought by each of its 7 leaders. In Chabad philosophy, the textual format of the Maamar is used in a great number of published works.
Maamarim build upon the founding intellectual Chabad method of the Tanya by the first Rebbe, each subsequent Rebbe developing the thought in successive stages, to seek broader explanation, communication and application. Chabad texts tend to systematic characterisation and presentation compared to the more homiletical-faith aims of most Hasidic literature. Particular themes of focus emerge in the teachings of each subsequent leader according to the mystical and social circumstances of the times. In the last generation, the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe, while developing the Maamar in Chabad to its cumulative conclusion, made its in-depth Kabbalistic exegetical method secondary to the newly emphasised Chabad format of informal analytical Likkutei Sichos talks, his central teachings, to enable greatest application of Hasidism to tangible spirituality and outreach. Chabad Maamarim are usually named after their opening quotation from Scripture, though are sometimes arranged as Kuntreisim studies or collected Sefarim books. From the 4th Rebbe onwards, Maamarim often comprise extended Hemsheichim series on a theme.