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Since 2003, Lyoness has been the registered trademark name for a group of globally distributed (mostly privately owned, limited-liability) corporate structures, which originated in Austria. Lyoness comprises at least 7 corporations registered in Switzerland, 9 corporations registered in Austria and approximately 42 additional national and regional corporations all around the globe. The name ‘Lyoness’ was derived from the Celtic mythological kingdom ‘ Lyonesse’. " Lyconet" has been introduced in 2014 as a new trademark name for the same group of corporations.

The main corporation, then called ‘Lyoness Holding Europe AG’, was registered in 2003 by Iwan J. Ackermann, Max Meienberg and Uwe Proch. In 2004, the publicly known CEO of Lyoness, Hubert Freidl, was hired by this corporation as a director. Lyoness, in its entirety, has an estimated annual turnover of 1.2 billions euros (2012). The shopping community has a self-proclaimed member of more than 4 millions (as of July 2014). Lyoness is currently active in more than 40 countries, spread over 6 continents.