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lynch mobs

n. (plural of lynch mob English)

Usage examples of "lynch mobs".

If I catch the Committees doing anything illegal like pounding the crap out of stinking bigot lynch mobs, I will have them charged and prosecuted to the full extent and rigor of the laws.

There was a menace in the depth of it, and once again the fear of lynch mobs and fury gripped him.

How those lunar cities must have tempted the first g'Kek exiles, fleeing here,row their abandoned space habitats, just a few sneak jumps ahead of baying lynch mobs.

We may be traumatizing every child in the land, and every adult who is reckless enough to smile at (or, God forbid, touch) one, and glamorizing what must after all be a fairly lame and pathetic pleasure at best, and giving demagogues and lynch mobs something to work with, and we may even be making the problem itself substantially worse, and hampering efforts to deal with it—.

Though he was one of the most brilliant Tlulaxa scientists and well connected with powerful religious leaders, Van had to flee his homeworld to escape the lynch mobs.

Adolphus had seen lynch mobs in small towns walk towards their victims' homes with exactly that stride.

All night, in the sewers, wading through shit and blood, while the lynch mobs pulled people off the PSF farms and chopped them up and hung the pieces on light poles and street signs and burned half the downtown.

As one result of those lynch mobs, President Barkley placed California under martial law.

But it is necessary to remember that it applies to everyone -- including lynch mobs.

But it is necessary to remember that it applies to everyone including lynch mobs.

There was anger and cursing, and I got a whiff of how lynch mobs got organized.

Defenses that had once been necessary against lynch mobs and their ilk.