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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Lyncean \Lyn*ce"an\, a. [See Lynx.] (Zo["o]l.) Of or pertaining to the lynx.


a. 1 lynx (attributive) 2 acute (of eyesight)

Usage examples of "lyncean".

Welser thought perhaps Prince Cesi of the Lyncean Academy, with whom he also corresponded, should publish the sunspot report as part of an ongoing series.

He chose for his Master of Pontifical Ceremonies Monsignor Virginio Cesarini, Lyncean, who wrote acclaimed poetry and had pursued the study of mathematics after hearing an inspirational lecture by Galileo.

Precision was one of the raptures he allowed himself, the lyncean skill for selection and detail, the Greek gift, but here it was useless, overwhelmed by the powerful rush of things, the raw proximity and lack of common measure.