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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Lying to

Lying \Ly"ing\, p. pr. & vb. n. of Lie, to be supported horizontally.

Lying panel (Arch.), a panel in which the grain of the wood is horizontal. [R.]

Lying to (Naut.), having the sails so disposed as to counteract each other.

Usage examples of "lying to".

And then he tells me a decidedly odd little story that involves lying to a dog.

I face combat and must put my reliance for repairs upon an illiterate mechanic and a government that is lying to the public about how it spends tax money.

And while I was dreaming of this glorious future where the two of us would bop around Europe like royalty, he was siphoning off my money, using it to finance his drug operation, using my minor celebrity over there to clear the way, lying to me about his wife.

The Emperor worries about enemies at every turn and wants to know if they are lying to him, scheming to take his power, his wealth, even his life.