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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Luxuriant flower

Luxuriant \Lux*u"ri*ant\, a. [L. luxurians, p. pr. of luxuriare: cf. F. luxuriant. See Luxuriate.]

  1. Exuberant in growth; rank; excessive; profuse; very abundant; as, a luxuriant growth of grass; luxuriant foliage.

    Prune the luxuriant, the uncouth refine.

  2. Producing luxuriant growth; very fertile; -- of soil.

  3. Having or producing an abundance of elaborate details; unrestrained; -- of imagery or ornamentation.

    Luxuriant flower (Bot.), one in which the floral envelopes are overdeveloped at the expense of the essential organs.

luxuriant flower

n. (context botany archaic English) A flower in which the floral envelopes are overdeveloped at the expense of the essential organs.

Usage examples of "luxuriant flower".

Their houses are large, clean, airy, handsomely paved with black and white squares of marble, and in the centre of many of them is a square court, which has in it a luxuriant flower-garden and a sparkling fountain.

Groves of trees and larger shrubs had been artfully placed between luxuriant flower beds.