The Collaborative International Dictionary
Usage examples of "lutea".
Cornus canadensis, Corydalis lutea, Cyananthus lobatus, Daphne cneorum, Dianthus deltoides, Dianthus hybridus, Echinacea purpurea, Erigeron caucasicus, E.
Furthermore, in the very center of the macula lutea there is a small depression called the fovea centralis (foh'vee-uh sen-tray'lis.
When sliced longitudinally they have been put on the market as American Gentian, and when fresh, their properties closely resemble Gentiana Lutea, the European Yellow Gentian.
Look to one side, nevertheless, and the star jumps into view as its light strikes rods, f Contrarily, it is because the cones become progressively less numerous away from the macula lutea that we have so little acuity in peripheral vision in daylight.
Donatus, a decent type, is to adopt Saffia's young son Lucius - Lutea has agreed to it - and Donatus is pleased to do so, having no sons of his own.
BITTER ROOT is also a common name of Gentiana lutea, or Yellow Gentian, the wellknown bitter, and of Lewisia rediviva or Spathulum, with a starchy, edible root.