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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Lustful \Lust"ful\, a.

  1. Full of lust; excited by lust.

  2. Exciting lust; characterized by lust or sensuality. `` Lustful orgies.''

  3. Strong; lusty. [Obs.] `` Lustful health.''

    Syn: sensual; fleshly; carnal; inordinate; licentious; lewd; unchaste; impure; libidinous; lecherous. -- Lust"ful*ly, adv. -- Lust"ful*ness, n.


adv. In a lustful manner.


adv. in a lustful manner; "he looked at the young woman lustfully"

Usage examples of "lustfully".

Angrier than I had ever been in my life, I attacked, leaping for his throat, infuriated that another male would lustfully ogle my mate in my face.

There was precedent for what was happening to us, too, for I recalled that on the only occasion that Lemuel Gulliver permits himself to go skinny-dipping in the land of the Houyhnhnms, a female Yahoo throws herself lustfully into the water after him.

As usual, they gathered at the fence line to gaze lustfully upon the fields surrounding the Center, to where machines flashed and gleamed, slicing soil and cradling corn, humming in C major chords.

There's a polar bear eyeing me lustfully even as we speak and I was saving myself for you.