a. (archaic form of lustful English)
Usage examples of "lustfull".
Whylest thus she in these hellish dens remayned,Wrapped in wretched cares and hearts vnrest,It so befell (as Fortune had ordayned)That he, which was their Capitaine profest,And had the chiefe commaund of all the rest,One day as he did all his prisoners vew,With lustfull eyes, beheld that louely guest,Faire Pastorella, whose sad mournefull hewLike the faire Morning clad in misty fog did shew.
In her faire eyes two liuing lamps did flame,Kindled aboue at th'heauenly makers light,And darted fyrie beames out of the same,So passing persant, and so wondrous bright,That quite bereau'd the rash beholders sight:In them the blinded god his lustfull fireTo kindle oft assayd, but had no might.
Thus well instructed, to their worke they hast,And comming where the knight in slomber lay,The one vpon his hardy head him plast,And made him dreame of loues and lustfull play,That nigh his manly hart did melt away,Bathed in wanton blis and wicked ioy:Then seemed him his Lady by him lay,And to him playnd, how that false winged boy,Her chast hart had subdewd, to learne Dame pleasures toy.
Behold th'ensamples in our sights,Of lustfull luxurie and thriftlesse wast:What now is left of miserable wights,Which spent their looser daies in lewd delights,But shame and sad reproch, here to be red,By these rent reliques, speaking their ill plights?