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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Luster \Lus"ter\, Lustre \Lus"tre\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Lustred; p. pr. & vb. n. Lustering, or Lustring.] To make lustrous. [R. & Poetic]

Flooded and lustered with her loosened gold.


Lustering \Lus"ter*ing\, n.

  1. The act or process of imparting a luster, as to pottery.

  2. The brightening of a metal in the crucible when it becomes pure, as in certain refining processes.


vb. (present participle of luster English)

Usage examples of "lustering".

He walked among them, spared a nod of thanks to either side as they closed behind him and the black ranks of the Kel flowed back into the camp, where anxious kath'ein and sen'ein waited to know the fate of the tribe, lustering about Melein.