n. (context UK dialectal Scotland English) A lump of dirt or excrement; a turd.
Usage examples of "lurt".
Almost all Companions looked the same, but Lurt evidently detected that Mary wanted a compliment.
None of the women present were showing yet, but they would be soon: generation 149 was on its way, and Mary was expecting, as were Lurt, Jasmel, Hapnar, and Dranna.
But this was the time for him to be with Lurt and Dab, and, well, he wanted to savor every beat of it.
Here, in this massive chamber, he saw the same wide variety of coloration, which Lurt had told him almost certainly had resulted from prolonged periods of geographic isolation for each color group, assuming, as Mare had asserted, that they were indeed cross fertile.
Adikor suggested the perfect solution: having Mary stay with his woman-mate, Lurt Fradlo.
After staring dumbly at it for most of a minute, she reemerged from the chamber, and called Lurt over.
At first, she found it uncomfortable: she was used to a more uniformly flat surface, but Lurt showed her how to arrange the pillows just so, providing neck and back support, separating her knees, and so on.
It seemed that Lurt worked with six other female chemists, and Mary was already falling into the habit of classifying them into generations, although instead of calling them 146s, 145s, 144s, 143s, and 142s, as Ponter did, referring to the number of decades since the dawn of the modern era, Mary thought of them as women who were pushing thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, and seventy years old, respectively.
And Lurt seemed the only person who could possibly provide them in the short time left between today and when Two next became One.
As she and Lurt walked along, Mary broached the topic she wanted to talk about.
But, since Mary had to go back to staying with Lurt until Two became One, it also let him see a personality sculptor, in hopes of ridding himself of the insomnia and bad dreams that had been plaguing him.
He walked into the room that had been indicated, and saw Mary and Lurt huddled over a worktable.
Dab there, here in this chamber, and his woman, Lurt, seated next to Dab.
The keeper accompanied Lurt to the correct niche, and Lurt faced her Companion toward the blue eye.
As the images played on, Lurt left the chamber, ostensibly heading for the washroom.