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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Lunette window

Lunette \Lu*nette"\, n. [F., dim. of lune moon, L. luna. See Lune a crescent.]

  1. (Fort.) A fieldwork consisting of two faces, forming a salient angle, and two parallel flanks. See Bastion.

  2. (Far.) A half horseshoe, which lacks the sponge.

  3. A kind of watch crystal which is more than ordinarily flattened in the center; also, a species of convexoconcave lens for spectacles.

  4. A piece of felt to cover the eye of a vicious horse.

  5. (Arch.) Any surface of semicircular or segmental form; especially, the piece of wall between the curves of a vault and its springing line.

  6. An iron shoe at the end of the stock of a gun carriage.

    Lunette window (Arch.), a window which fills or partly fills a lunette.